Through the Looking Glass
Sunday, 1 May, - Sunday, 29 May, 2022
Alys Hardy, our aural artist in residence presents Trwy’r Drych / Through the Looking Glass, her first ever exhibition. This presentation of a mixture of poetry, visuals and sound art will take you through the mundane surfaces of life and into a world of feeling, sense and expression. The modern world can be frustrating and often seem joyless. This exhibition comments on how we can reaffirm our passions, use our senses, and connect to our inner selves, and others around us, by using the simple tools of positivity and hope.
Alys uses: circles and loops within her work to represent the flow of life; elements from all walks of life to show how we can harness our surroundings for good; and words are used to overcome sensory block and general feelings of disarray. Refamiliarise yourself with your inner tools: prepare your eyes, open your ears, and soften your skin for what promises to be a guiding process.