Transparent: Neil Johnson
Sunday, 27 March, - Friday, 27 May, 2022
After a highly successful career teaching Art and Design in South Manchester, Neil Johnson returned to Wales in 2007 to concentrate on his own work and ideas.
Neil is a member of the Royal Watercolour Society of Wales, a founder member of Borth Arts, a member of the Room 103 group, a committee member at Mid Wales Arts and a trustee of the climate change charity Art+Science. He has exhibited throughout Britain and internationally, including a solo show at the Museum of Modern Art Wales.
In recalling a place or time we rarely remember a single image from a specific viewpoint. My work attempts to give a sense of “passing through” a place or time: sometimes it is rhythmic and harmonious, sometimes discordant and disturbing. The subject matter is drawn from observation, imagination, memory and, where necessary, secondary sources.
Some of my more recent work considers surveillance and observation. So much time, energy and resources are spent on spying and mistrust. This is particularly disturbing when, during a global pandemic and climate change crisis, humankind should be working together.
All my work is in the transparent medium of watercolour and uses no black or white paint.